Thursday 18 March 2010

Does the old diplomacy have any contemporary relevance?

There have been radical changes on international relation over the last few years, social and political change has combined to undermine the traditional assumption of diplomacy (S.Riordan,2003,the new diplomacy). Its is also assumed that the old diplomacy could not cope with the new dilemmas of of globalisation that brought easy access of communication.we agree that most of the principal of the old diplomacy were overshadowed by the principal of the new diplomacy(S.Riordan,2003,the new diplomacy).but if we we still define diplomacy as "application of intelligence and tact to conduct of official relation between states governments"(E.Satow,1964,A guide to diplomatic practice, page1), this make has agree that even there were many significant changes on diplomacy, the old diplomacy still as contemporary relevance in today's diplomacy. this is because there are still many old principal and tact of old diplomacy being used today. states still use secrecy and bilateral meetings when possible,in some parts of the world diplomacy is still political motivated,military secrets between states, there are many secrets allies states have that they don't share with other states this including military secrets, for example the military secret of NATO are not shared with states like IRAN or North Korea, and military force is still used in times of political crises. today bilateral diplomacy is mostly used to by a state that are acting as middle man for two states who don't have good diplomatic relations, to bring relation to this two states(S.Riordan,2003,the new diplomacy).

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